Buy LizardKingSpores in Louisiana
Buy LizardKingSpores in Louisiana
Lizard King spores online from Lizard King Magic Mushrooms (Psilocybe Cubensis, Lizard King), is a P. Cubensis strain named after the man who discovered the strain in Northern Mexico. The genesis of this shrooms strain is hard to track down and its exact origin story is hard to confirm, but the name does suggest and reflect the counter-culture movement of the 1960s.
Buy LizardKingSpores in Louisiana
When observed with the naked eye, spores do not look all that exciting. You might see a few black clumps floating around in the solution, but certainly nothing akin to being ‘magical’. The true beauty of the humble spore is in its microscopic size. The only way to observe the microscopic is, unsurprisingly, under a microscope. Preferably at least 500x magnification.
First, take your syringe and carefully remove the protective cap. Load the needle onto the syringe and you’re ready to go. Apply a single drop of solution onto a microscopy slide, and gently cover the sample with a covering glass. Place the microscopy slide onto the stage. Finally, look through the eyepiece and move the focus knob until the image comes into focus. If they still look tiny, try increasing to a higher power objective lens. Admire them in their glorious, magical detail. This simple process will give you hours of endless fun, we guarantee it (or your money back!)
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